Thursday, May 11, 2023

Two-ish Cheers for Samuel Issacharoff's New Book

My Hornbook review of Democracy Unmoored is now out at 3:16 AM Magazine here. I had actually expected it to appear at a different venue, but, based on the multitude of revision requests I received (including some pretty strange ones), I got the feeling that the book review editor there vehemently disagreed with my take on the work. So I pulled it.* 

Anyhow, it should be easy to see that I think the book has considerable merits, even if Issacharoff's overall take is somewhat more conservative (or perhaps just less Rah! Rah! Democracy!!) than my own perspective. And I want to add here that interactions of that sort make me even more grateful to Richard Marshall for the pulpit he has generously afforded me at 3:16.

As always, comments are most welcome.

* Of course, it's also quite possible that they just thought my review was crappy. Naturally, I don't love that interpretation, but I'll let my readers decide that for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I'm delighted to say that I received a very gracious comment from Prof. Issacharoff on Twitter today:
