Thursday, April 18, 2024

Are There Any Important New Books on Democracy That are Fun to Read?


After writing what seems like a hundred reviews of contemporary books on democratic theory, my own (likely idiosyncratic) view about the current lit is that the best stuff written this century so far is by Roslyn Fuller. She has three recent books on the subject (and I understand is about to start a fourth). I have just completed a review of one of them: Defence of DemocracyI here provide the last three sentences as a bit of a teaser/trailer. 

This is a terrific work that would be important for its informative discussion of Athenian democracy alone. It’s not only fun to read and convincing, but the issues it addresses are of the highest importance. In fact, it’s my view that Fuller is the heir apparent to Robert Dahl, and that she is currently producing the most valuable and readable contributions to political theory that anyone is likely to find anywhere. Highly recommended.


[NB: The picture above is of the book's author!]

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