I have just reviewed this important book here and urge those interested to have a look.
I confess, however, that in that review, I entirely ignored three chapters: one on Presidential primaries, by Robert Boatright, one on campaign finance, by Ray La Raja, and one on Presidential nominations, by Pildes and Frances Lee. My reason for those omissions is that the most central issues covered in the book, regarding the alleged benefits of Proportional Representation and multi-party governance over our First-Past-The-Post two-party, plurality Presidential system, seems to have been controversial among the task force members--both during and subsequent to publication of the book. Even with respect to the limited question of the expected effects of various proposals on the reduction of incentives for hyper-polarization, there has been nothing like unanimity on suggested reforms. So I focused entirely on that bundle of issues in my review.
I think, therefore, that I ought to at least summarize the recommendations made by the authors of the skipped contributions here.
In his chapter on Primaries, Boatright advocates the following:
- A national congressional primary day, and the possibity of turning to compulsory voting. Both in interest of increasing turnout.
- Ranked-choice voting (RCV), preprimary conventions, and the expanded use of runoff elections.
- Allowing parties greater flexibility in the making of primary rules and clarifying the role of state parties in nonpartisan primaries.
- Experimentation with alternatives like open and nonpartisan primaries.
- Strengthening the ability of parties to keep "unfit" and "extreme" candidates through preprimary conventions or endorsements.
- Elimination of "the sore loser" rule to allow defeated primary candidates access to the general election ballot.
In their Chapter on picking Presidents Pildes and Lee recommend:
- Adjustment of delegate-selection rules and the primary calendar to make contested conventions more likely.
- Allowing superdelegates to provide peer review, by having them vote on the second ballots if no candidate wins a majority on the first one.
- Mandating a preprimary endorsement process to ensure candidates are acceptable to party leadership.
- Giving party leaders and members of Congress the power to make votes of confidence or no confidence to presidential candidates prior to the start of any Presidential primaries.
- Providing more power to national political parties who they believe should take full control of the organizing and hosting of debates,
- Increased financing for political parties by raising contribution limits, removing or increasing limits on party-coordinated expenditures, and (possibly) public funding for parties.
- Improving transparency by requiring meaningful disclosure of major donations and passing antiretaliation legislation to protect donors.
- Raising contribution limits for multicandidate PACs and encouraging the formation of PACs that would represent a broader spectrum of Americans.
- Experimentation with public subsidies for small donors, particularly within legislative districts, and consideration of the elimination of voluntary spending limits for candidates where public financing has been accepted.
- Elimination of the separation of party funds that are used for legal expenses which is thought might reduce incentives for election litigation.
Would love a piece digging into the virtues and flaws of these proposals from La Raja, Boatright, and Pildes + Lee. Still, it seems to me that the best any of these electoral reforms can hope to accomplish on hyperpolarization is on the margins. Extremism is most potent when there is widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo. Procedural reform cannot completely account for that. While I confess to not knowing much about electoral processes in other democracies, surely some have incorporated these kinds of moderating electoral reforms. And yet we see the same kind of extremist political forces on the rise throughout the world.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Pildes makes a similar case in his responses to Drutman. In these "interesting times" nothing seems to be terribly effective. Unfortunately, it has often taken a war to do the trick. But these days, who knows if humanity could survive one.